The thing that bothers me the most is the stress this time of year causes everyone. I've been asked (and admittedly I've dutifully asked), "Are you ready for Christmas?" more times than I can count. I give the response that's expected, "Yes, I've got almost everything bought and wrapped." But I really feel convicted to say, "I'm not ready for Christmas... I'm so overwhelmed and bombarded by all the marketing, all the hustle and bustle that I've spent less time than ever focused on Jesus - the WHOLE REASON we have Christmas. What about you? Are you ready?" Maybe next year I can be that bold.
I read a very convicting blog several weeks ago. If you want the whole version, here's the link (for the record, I don't necessarily condone some her word choices):
Here's an excerpt:
What happened to Christmas? What on earth happened to it? When did it transform from something simple and beautiful to what it is now? How insidiously did the enemy work to slowly hijack Jesus' birth and hand it over on a silver platter to Big Marketing, tricking His own followers into financing the confiscation?Here are some things I'm taking away from her perspective plus some thoughts/challenges to myself:
I find myself intentionally NOT talking about Santa, not asking my kids what they want for Christmas and I have almost burned all my brain cells trying to tactfully tell two 7-year-olds why every other kid they know has a creepy elf sneaking around their house every night and why we don't.
I am SO on the verge of telling my kids there is no Santa. Close family tells me to not ruin it for them, not to "take away their childhood." But honestly, I am sick and tired of hearing my kids talk about Santa and being good because of Santa. I refuse to adjust their behavior by telling them, "Santa's watching," even though I would get them to stop whatever they were doing wrong. As Jen's blog said, Jesus can't compete with Santa when you're 7 and you believe. And when my kids see Santa as more important than Jesus I feel like a failure (as I well should). It's not that I want to be cold-hearted and "take away their childhood" but I want them to have a healthy perspective on the "magic" of knowing Jesus, not the magic of Santa, reindeer and elves.
I am intentionally throwing away all the Toys R Us, Target and Walmart sales sheets immediately. The less they're exposed to, the better.
I do feel that it is critically important to show love to others and honor them, but why do we do it on someone else's birthday? Why not dedicate our efforts in 2014 to honor loved ones on THEIR birthdays so that when Jesus' gets here on December 25 we can focus all of our attention on Him. I think it's ok to still celebrate and honor people during December, but not if it causes strife, grief and ulcers!!!!! Think of this: for as many times as you've thought "Oh no! I "have" to get a gift for (fill in the blank of the person's name you forgot)," (usually at the last minute when you have to run out for "one more thing"), you've been the (fill in your name as the person who was forgotten) on the other end of that. Do you really want someone stressing out and buying you something at Christmas because they "have" to? I don't!
My birthday was about 8 weeks ago. I felt loved and honored and received lots of nice cards and gifts. When people ask what I want for Christmas several weeks after my birthday I am 100% honest when I tell them I don't need anything. And this year I am honest when I tell people that I truly don't WANT anything. Please, I would rather you spend money on someone else who needs it. I know you love me and want me to know it, and you can show your love by buying a gift in my honor for someone who actually NEEDS it! (whew, I feel a little better now)
Go ask your kids what they got for Christmas last year. Can they name any of the gifts? I cleaned out my kids play room recently and they never even noticed. They still don't know things are gone. They have so much stuff yet I still hear, "I'm bored." Are you kidding me? And now that it's December I'm supposed to go broke restocking a play room of toys that they may never even play with and won't miss when they're gone?!
On the bright side, it does appear that more people are looking for families to sponsor, through angel trees and local organizations. What if we added up our receipts from this year spent on non-charitable gifts and cards and vowed to spend 1/2 of that amount on needy families next year (which would mean spending 1/2 of what we spend this year on people who really don't need any more stuff - i.e. kids, family, friends)? If every one of us did that we could really make a difference and be able to truly share more of Jesus at Christmas time. The most stress-free shopping we've done the last couple of years has been the shopping we've done for others. It's fun buying things for people you don't even know; knowing that they will appreciate it more than anyone else you buy for.
In conclusion, please know that I don't judge you. These are my thoughts and my convictions. I don't want to have a scrooge-heart at Christmas. I want to have joy and more importantly I want to share this joy and the significance of Christmas with my children. I want them to know it has nothing to do with buying, spending, charging, stressing or big marketing. But it does have to do with the greatest gift ever given, in the form of a baby when history was forever changed.
- Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
And part of the story of our lives, the Gregory's, is that a diligent faith and many, many prayers have brought the greatest gift after two long years - my restored health! And maybe that's part of my conviction - leading a life that is counter-cultural because of the incredible journey through the desert we've been on these last couple of years. Spending time in the valley certainly changes your perspective on everything - even Christmas!
Whatever approach you choose, I do wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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